Wednesday, November 4, 2009

WHAT is THAT!!!!

While having a sit down today, out of the corner of my eye. I saw something strange in our light shade above our kitchen table.. At first i thought oh crap not a spider..... But upon looking again it had a lizard like shape...

Can you Tell what it is????
Its our friendly Gecko!! Normally i only see dead moths sitting in our light shade. And we normally see our little friends outside not inside. But this little fella snuck in through the doorway last night while i was turning the sprinkler off and made himself welcome eating all our dead moths!!
The boys will get a hoot out of this tonight!!


  1. What a helpful little gecko!! He's probably thinking...crickey its hot,wish that woman would turn the damn light off,lol.

  2. Smart little gecko, taking advantage of an easy meal. Bet you did get a shock when you first saw him.

    We have a lot of geckos here, but rarely do they come inside. When we go out at night they can be seen and heard while feasting on the bugs that are attracted to the light too! and they are quite tame.

  3. Well he ran away while we picked the boys up this afternoon, So who knows where he is in the house now!!

    Thank you for dropping by Out Back. We have seen 3 gecko's here. This is the smallest of the 3 and the tamest. I think he is the one that sits on our front window everynight during summer catching all our bugs!! The other 2 are big fat and hide all the time. Lots of fun for us to try find them!
