It was the best day for fishing, the sun was shining, hardly any wind about, PERFECT! And it was pretty much full of fishing, if we weren't fishing we were holding on travelling to a new spot. We all ate whilst fishing! No mucking around! Just what i wanted to, it was a full on day, but i love fishing SO much more now!
Our Catch!! Of course we caught alot more than this, but alot were under size and had to go back to grow! We have, a Cobia, Blue Tuna, Sweet lip, Moses Perch and some pearl perch! Funny thing is, i don't seafood! So Ben has some eating to do!
The boys getting excited over all the fish we got to bring home!
Ben and I with our BIG fish!
Ben holding a Cobia, and myself with my Tuna! My tuna was the biggest out of our catch, not the biggest on the boat, just between Ben and i hehehe. I caught it on a little 3kg Brim rod. I had to run round the boat 3.5 times to land it. I was close to having the line snapped a few times. But i had everyone on board giving me encouragement and moving all the gear so i could follow it until it was finally close enough to net it! Best feeling ever!
Now I'm not quite sure whether we should buy a camper trailer or a BOAT!! That is how much fun i had!!

This is the wonderful Keely Rose! Great boat and Great crew! Will be definitely going out with them again!
I'm totally buggered today, so not much going on, the boys had a blast at granny and pa's house, so has been a excellent weekend! Hope you are all having a great weekend as well!! :-)