Saturday, July 17, 2010

I'm Impressed!

First of all, our camera batteries have died. So wont have as many photo's until we get some newies, which i'm not impressed about..


What I am Impressed with is READING!

A dear friend of mine and Ben's and her wonderful husband, have loaned us some books to read. We are in the normal stickyness of just running around chasing our tails paying bills with no money left for what we want to do, or work towards. (our dream house and property, jobs etc).

So Mrs Bates delivered to us 4 books to choose from and a movie version of The Secret. Ben and I have chosen different books to read. I had to do a little pushing, but I'm pretty sure Ben agree's with me. We need to get something sorted so we can get our lives sitting where we want them.

Ben is reading You were born rich by Bob Proctor - And he seems to be really liking it. When he picked me up from work the other afternoon, he mentioned to me that he can't go past the chapter he is up to, until we sit down and organise ourselves as to how the chapter suggest's. Which I'm really excited about, him getting so excited with the idea's and plans he is reading about!

My book is The success principles by Jack Canfield - Me who was never really a book worm (Ben is) chose the biggest book to read, oh dear what have i got my self in for! But I can't stop thinking about, oh I wonder what the next chapter has in it.. And if i don't get to read during the day i have to read before i go to bed to get my fix! I am so really impressed with myself, I'm just taking it a chapter at a time, not pushing myself. I started on Monday and now I'm up to chapter 8, for most other people they would have almost finished the book by now. But as i said i'm not a book worm so i think i'm doing a pretty decent job. I'm also still really interested in it. Every chapter has some sort of idea or plan that sticks with me. When Ben and i sit down to talk about it, it sounds like we are 2 kids talking about getting lollies or something, we get that excited lol!

I'm also Impressed with how well our new routine is going, everything is slotting into place. I seem to work every friday and either a tuesday or wednesday. Sometimes a thursday, like this week just gone whilst my boss had a training course in Brisbane I recieved an extra day of work. Fine by me more money in my pocket!

Tomorrow (sunday) we have 2 markets to attend. One in town that our above dear friends are attending with their chocolates and spices they are making themselves yum yum! And Ben's mum (granny) is going to the Goomboorian markets to sell her bath products yum again! We will also be stocking up on some fresh veg, nothing better (besides out of your own garden) than from the markets!

Hope your all having a wonderful weekend! We are!!


  1. I love reading! Just love it. There is so much to learn or just see in your mind's eye. Although, like you, finding the time to get some real reading in is a challenge. Although I must admit I have finished four books in the last two weeks which is quite astonishing considering the small amount of time I had to read them in.
    Keep on reading!!!!!

  2. Wow 4 in 2 weeks! You must be close to a world record there! I've still been doing great with the reading, I'm loving it!
