Sometimes I really don't have a clue of what I am doing... Like the new background?? I do, but don't know how to get rid of all the mumbo jumbo of the layout text under my header picture?!?!?! If any of you know how please tell me.. Otherwise I'm going to have to sweet talk Ben into his help ;-)
Anyway, I have so many things I want to share about what changes we are slowly making to our lives. Food, Products etc.
What I want write about today is the allergies I get. Well they haven't been playing up since I've stopped using a majority of household cleaning products and beauty products. How awesome! I realised the other day, I can't really remember when my last bad allergy eye/headache was. Loving it!
So that also got me to thinking about my course i completed ( Nail Technician) Well that would need me to use alot of chemicals.. And i don't want to feel lowsy making people feel good. And don't want to be taking a pill everyday to stop the feeling, when i can do something naturally.
My good friend of mine told me the other day to go get a nice book and jot down all my ideas. As I've been jotting them down on scrap paper and loosing them. So i got myself a wonderful 100% recycled material book which is also made with Elephant poo. How cool! So I've been busy with my idea's. I've had them for a while and now is the time to start doing something about them or it will be another year before i have done anything.
I'm drawing some inspiration from the below books.

2 i got myself the aromatherapy books my MIL got for me! They are all awesome. Giving me SO many more idea's!
So my first initial plan is to make my own and use all natural/organic/fair trade products utensils etc for Manicure's and Pedicure's. Obviously this will not work for doing acrylic nails on people. So at this stage that service is put to the way side. But i feel alot of people are looking to go towards the natural way of thinking/life/living. I know we sure are. And really the minimal essential oils/natural ingredients i have that I've been playing with, makes my skin feel just as good if not even better than the chemical filled products on the market. I will also find a way to produce extras for sales.
One of the big eye openers recently for me was when i was going to put Vick's on the boys when they had their first Winter colds.. After starting to do our research on other things, I'd thought I'd refresh myself with its ingredients. Petroleum first ingredient, Do i really want to be putting this into their skin. I haven't used it since. And am going to purchase some natural products to make a homemade rub to use on them. Our weather is still here there and everywhere, so no colds have crept up again YET! lol SO gotta get my bum into gear!
Wow what a lot of rambling from me today! We are back off to the 'Show' tonight for the fireworks. It rained last night, so we need to take the umbrella and poncho's for the boys lol. Hope my rambling didn't confuse you all and it made some sort of sense, sometimes i don't understand it, but that is where my head is at! Have a great day everyone :-)